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Cock-a-Leekie Soup

Cock-a-Leekie Soup


  • 4 chicken legs
  • 2 medium leeks
  • 1 onion, peeled and chopped
  • 1 large carrot, peeled and cut into 1cm dice
  • 1 chicken stock cube
  • 100g basmati rice, boiled, drained and cooled
  • A handful chopped curly parsley


Place the legs in a large saucepan.

Cut the leek in half and wash well.

Chop the white of the leek and add to the chicken with the onion and carrot.

Dissolve the stock cube in a litre of boiling water and pour over the chicken. Ensure chicken is covered and bring to a simmer. Cover and simmer gently for 2 hours or until fork tender. You could do this in a slow cooker.

Chop the green of the leek and add.

Cook for 10 minutes then add the parsley.

Remove the chicken and take off the meat, shred slightly and return to the pan. Check seasoning.

Spoon some rice into bowls and cover with the soup.




  • 225g porridge oats
  • 30g chopped butter, at room temperature
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • A good pinch salt
  • 175ml boiling water


Set the oven to 180oc and grease 2 baking trays.

Place the oats in a bowl and mix in the salt and baking soda.

Place the butter on top and pour over the boiling water.

Mix to a dough and then place on a floured surface.

Roll to ½ cm thick and cut into rounds.

Place on the trays and bake for 15 minutes.

Cool on a wire rack.