Who's inside the Cordon?
Find out more about the characters who'll be under quarantine in Cordon.

Lex, 36

Lex Faes is a riot police instructor who is candid, dutiful and well loved by his men. Lex believes in his job and what he does and is convinced the orders he gets make sense within the bigger picture of the disaster plan. However his belief is gradually affected by doubt and moral conflict as time goes on. Lex's girlfriend, Jana has a difficult time inside the cordon and Lex believes it is up to him to guard her.
Jana, 26
Jana is a competent and conscientious computer specialist who is Lex's girlfriend. Early on in her life, Jana spent her childhood with foster families and in homes, which taught her to stand up for herself and to keep her expectations low and to be aware of any premature commitment. When she ends up inside the cordon, she is firmly convinced that all will end well if she sticks to the rules and instructions. But as her situation inside the cordon becomes increasingly precarious, her self-preservation instinct gradually takes the upper hand...
Jokke, 32

Jokke Deelan is Lex’s best friend and regular partner at the riot police. Jokke looks self-assured, is brutally honest and charmingly brutal, he is also an epicurean but does not reveal his gentle side just to anyone. Inside the cordon he becomes an important link with Lex and the outside world. Jokke devotes himself to looking after the people who are stuck with him inside the cordon, and in turn meets the love of his life at the worst possible moment.
Katja, 30
Katja is teacher, following in the footsteps of her mother who was also one. As a teenager Katja used to be pretty wild and rock ‘n' roll, but the events during the birth of her son have made Katja anxious and over-concerned. Her protected and sheltered life at her school is brutally disturbed when she and her class end up inside the cordon. She is forced to exceed herself to save her children and amongst the chaos of it all finds love.
Dr Cannaerts, 50

Dr Cannaerts is the chief surgeon at the Antwerp National Institute for Contagious Diseases. Cannaerts is a prominent researcher with strong political views and a large network of followers, and a top position at the World Health Organization could be on the cards for him. When his institute is hit by a contagion, Cannaerts devotes himself fully to trying to control it, but it soon becomes apparent that he has overestimated himself.
Gryspeerts, 47
Gryspeerts is a journalist who has always struggled to engage and succeed within his profession. Even though war and crime have fascinated him ever since he was a boy, he has always avoided war zones and never ventured into the crime scene. Following a blunder at work, Gryspeerts' career has been put on a side track and he now fully devotes himself to his passion; comic books. However, when the contagion breaks out, the journalistic fire starts flaring inside him like never before.
Sabine, 50

Sabine Lommers is an official with an elusive past. Lommers is skilful, manipulative and emanates natural authority and, as a woman, feels she cannot afford moments of weakness. Due to this, the relevation that she has children comes as a surprise to everybody. Her role in the crisis centre is to push through the decisions from above and to coordinate the communication about the disaster.
Ineke, 16
Ineke has just returned from a holiday at the Costa Brava and is eight months pregnant. Against the explicit wish of her parents, who run a small local supermarket, she wants to keep the child. Ineke's situation at home, as a result, is untenable and she buys herself a one way ticket to Spain to raise the child there with the subject of her holiday romance, Xavi. However Ineke gets stuck inside the cordon and has no choice but to return home.
Tyl, 14

Tyl has previously been teased in school and when a couple of his intimidators also end up stuck inside the cordon too, Tyl gets an opportunity to turn the tables. Tyl follows his inclination though and remains kind to them which he later regrets when he loses his parents to the virus and is once again given a rough time. Despite all of this Tyl does his utmost to keep going and remain positive.
Bert, 70s
Bert used to run a flourishing animal market booth with his wife Micheline. By way of supplement to his poor pension beacuse of being self-employed, Bert now breeds rodents which he sells to snake keepers and labs. Bert and Michelie have been together day and night ever since their wedding day and Micheline therefore gets into a panic when Bert goes missing without a trace at the outbreak of the contagion...
Bram, 34

Bram is Jana’s boss in a small enterprise which saves information from crashed computer systems. Bram is a fully bred salesman who brings in contracts by deluding clients with big promises and guarantees, while it is up to Jana and her colleagues to find ways to fulfil them. It annoys Bram deeply that Jana and Suzy can see straight through him, however Bram knows he would be nowhere without his staff, but keeps that to himself.
Sam, 36
Sam works for a cleaning company, cleaning offices in the evening. He dutifully does his working hours and for the rest of his time feels free as a bird. There is little that binds him, and because of this people quickly feel at ease with him.
Nald, 38
Nald is one of the veterans in Lex’s team. He has been through almost everything in his time and therefore handles difficult situations with a more relaxed manner than the others. He would prefer to do the physical tests in writing, but he can still be sold on a vehement demonstration to keep his truncheon in shape. Nald has a knack for situations and always preserves his sense of humour, which makes him a perfect complement to Lex. In Jokke’s absence, Nald is Lex’s help and stay.
Suzy, 26
Suzy has been Jana’s soul mate for years,even though they are opposites. In between foster families, they spent several years together at a home. Contrary to Jana, Suzy has not managed to break free from her past, but Jana helps her to get a job as a security agent at her office. As a result of this they end up inside the cordon together.