Verses on the Siege of Derry
By Francis Boyle
Hail Londonderry! ever smile;
The pride and glory of this isle;
Thy walls were strong, thy gates and bars,
The nation's shield in time of wars.
But these were not thy chief defence -
Thy heroes brave with minds intense,
Who bled to set their Country free,
While death and famine reign'd in thee.
Their case was good, and heaven kind,
Which gave them fortitude of mind,
Their subtle foes for to defeat;
Who thought to ruin Church and state.
From thy high towers at length were seen,
Vessels which stood the lands between;
With crowded sails came from the main,
And cut the ponderous iron chain,
Which Derry harbour did enclose,
In sight, and spite, of all their foes;
Steering their course through showers of balls,
And anchored safe beneath thy walls.

Loud acclamations then of joy,
Did the Besiegers' hopes destroy:
The siege was raised, thy gates set wide,
And Derry's fame in pomp did ride.