On the Death of Mrs A McCaw
By Joseph Carson
On the Death of Mrs Alexr. McCaw of Greenhill, near Banbridge
EXPIRING Autumn's growling blast
Mourn'd sullen thro' the fading trees,
The twilight shade of eve was cast,
And all was silent but the breeze;
The moon was rising by degrees,
As forth I stray'd beneath her reign,
When careless man's absorb'd in ease,
I heard a pensive spouse complain.

He sat beneath a sombre shade,
Regardless of the chilling gale,
Where nodding branches round him play'd,
Now silver'd by the moon-beams pale,
Down his lorn cheeks the tear-drops steal,
As wild he view'd the orbs above,
Then in a sore heart-rending tale,
Thus, thus, he wail'd his buried love.
Blow on, ye winds, your bitter course,
And bear abroad my tale of wo,
I feel no more your biting force;
No more I care how harsh ye blow;
Alone I wander to and fro,
And with the breeze still doom'd to mourn,
Since death has laid Eliza low,
And crown'd, in blooming youth, her urn.
O man! thy views on earth are vain,
Real happiness is not below -
Soon death has changed my joy to pain,
And sorrowing days of drooping woe;
Her love for me was pure as snow,
Descending from the limpid air,
'Tis that, and death's dire sudden blow
Which makes the parting so severe.
In her each virtue was combin'd,
Sweet darling truth was still her guide,
An innocent and conscious mind,
And modesty, 'a woman's pride' -
But ah! the grave these virtues hide,
Grim death has blasted all her charms,
He tore her early from my side,
And left an empty void my arms.
And you, the offspring of my fair,
ay the Omnipotent above,
Still guide you thro' this vale of care,
By his Almighty guiding love;
Still from your path may he remove
Each wicked inauspicious snare,
And may your actions always prove,
He's your director everywhere.
Ye happy scenes of rural life,
Your harmless sports I joyless view,
No more I meet the tender wife,
To join me with the jocund few;
Since she has bid this world adieu,
All earthly joys I now resign,
And wait in sorrow, Death, for you,
Till in thy arms once more we join.
He ceased, and Luna, sinking low,
Had just withdrawn her waning ray,
I left the spouse deep sunk in wo,
And measured back my weary way;
Musing on death's despotic sway,
And heedless man's submissive lot,
Beguil'd the near approach of day,
When I regain'd my homely cot.