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Gougeres with blue cheese mousse, cranberry and port glaze

Gougeres with blue cheese mousse, cranberry and port glaze

Gougeres with blue cheese mousse, cranberry and port glaze

125g grated cheddar
115g butter
250ml water
½ teaspoon salt
140g plain flour
3 eggs

Set oven to 220oc and line 2 trays with parchment paper.
Melt the butter and water in a pan and add the flour. Beat together and cook on a low heat for 2 minutes, beating all the time. Add the cheese and cook for a further minute. Remove from heat and cool for a couple of minutes then beat in eggs one at a time. Spoon or pipe onto tray. Bake for 10 minutes then lower heat to 180oc and cook for another 10 minutes or until golden brown and hollow sounding when the bottom is tapped.

Blue Cheese Mousse
100g grated local blue cheese
100g full fat cream cheese
50g crème fraiche

Mix together and chill for an hour.
Split the side of the cool gougeres and pipe the mousse into the middle.

Cranberry and Port Glaze
250g fresh cranberries
85g castor sugar
100ml Port

Cook the Port and sugar in a pan until the sugar dissolves. Add the cranberries and cook for 10 minutes. Blend and pass through a sieve.
Cool and serve on the side of the gougeres.