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How to enter

***Well Done U closed for entries on Friday 28th August 2015 at 6pm, so please do not try to enter this competition. You can see our winner and shortlist for 2015 ***

Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo introduce Well Done U

Mark and Simon explain how you can enter Well Done U: their short film competition.


Create a short original film, no more than 2 minutes in duration, which meets the BBFC’s “U” classification.

Include a short written summary that sets out what you hope to achieve with your film.

Judges will consider:

  • your initial idea, as set out in your written summary;
  • creativity in all aspects of your film;
  • execution - how well your film achieves what you set out to do.

This really has to be a ‘Well Done U’. Your film can be any genre and any style.

You can also find film making hints, tips and advice from 大象传媒 Get Creative: .

The first round will be judged by the Kermode and Mayo production team. The team will view all the entries before creating a final shortlist. The final round of judging will be made by Mark Kermode, Simon Mayo and director Amma Asante, who will then name a top three and overall winner from this shortlist.

Your film must of course also comply with the BBFC’s ‘U’ classification. Full details of what a U certificate film is can be seen on the BBFC’s website (please note: this is an external website)*: .

Entrants must be aged 13 or over and resident in the UK. Entrants aged 17 or under will need permission from a parent or guardian to take part.

The competition is open to amateur filmmakers only, i.e.: a person who has not been previously credited or paid for their work in film, video or television production. The competition is open to individuals or groups of friends, but all participants must be amateur, including actors and musicians. Please see the Terms and Conditions below for full details.

The closing date will be Friday 28 August 2015 at 6pm


You will need to complete the entry form which you can download from the links below and email it to along with supporting documentation detailed below. You must include a link to your film on a suitable video sharing website. It is your responsibility to ensure that your film can be viewed via the link provided, and that you have provided all the required information when you send your entry.

You must include evidence that you have full permission for all contributors, locations and music used in your film. Use the template contributor and music reporting forms that we have provided below to supply this evidence as part of your entry.

(Microsoft word document)

(Microsoft word document)

(Microsoft word document)

These forms should be completed electronically and sent together to, however you can print, complete and scan a form to email to us for your entry if required. Please ensure you include all the documentation you require for your entry in the same email.

Your entry must be a new production, using only unpublished material. No commercial video, music or stills can be included. All music, acting and contributions must be fully credited. Production music licensed by the Mechanical-Copyright Protection Society (MCPS) can be used, but this must be fully cleared and licensed before you upload your film to any video-sharing website and this will involve a cost to you. Music licensed under creative commons or from other “royalty free” sources cannot be considered for this competition as the 大象传媒 may not be able to obtain the rights to broadcast or show your film. Therefore using original music or no music at all may be more straightforward. Please ensure you complete the music detail form as part of your entry.

Shortlisted finalists will need to provide an original copy of their film and agree that the 大象传媒 can broadcast their film across all media as part of this competition. Your work should be filmed in at least 1080p High Definition as we intend to show the winning film on a full size theatrical screen.


  • The competition will open following the announcement on the 19 June 2015 during the Kermode and Mayo Film Review programme
  • The closing date will be Friday 28 August 2015 at 6pm.
  • Stage 1 of judging will be completed by the Kermode and Mayo production team.
  • The final shortlist will be announced in October 2015 and the films will be uploaded to .
  • Final judging by Mark Kermode, Simon Mayo and Amma Asante will decide a top 3 and then a winner.
  • The winner will be announced in November 2015 and screened to a public audience during a special outside broadcast of the Kermode and Mayo programme in London.


A public screening of the winning film in full at a special Kermode and Mayo Film outside broadcast.
Theatrical classification of the winning film by the BBFC. Plus a small trophy for the winning film. 


1: The 大象传媒’s code of conduct for competitions applies to this competition. You can read it here:

2: The competition opens on 19 June 2015. Entries must be made through the entry form which can be downloaded from this web page. Completed forms and all supporting documentation must be emailed to

Entries will require:

  • A film uploaded to a web based video sharing site (eg: YouTube, Vimeo, dailymotion) with the url link submitted via the entry form.
  • A title
  • Tagline – sum up your short film in a sentence.
  • 150 word summary of what the initial idea behind your film.
  • Full credits – include everyone involved in the production, and details of any music used with any clearances obtained for its use.
  • Contributor forms – completed as evidence of permission from those who appear in the film. A template form can be downloaded from this page.
  • Music detail form – with full details of any music used, including original compositions. A template form can be downloaded from this page.

    Whilst production music licensed by the Mechanical-Copyright Protection Society (MCPS) may be used, you will need to ensure the music you use has been cleared for online use before you upload your film to any video sharing website. This will involve a cost to you so it may be easier to use original music or no music in your entry. For more information on licensing and the fees required please visit: *

    Music licensed under creative commons or from other “royalty free” sources cannot be considered for this competition as the 大象传媒 may not be able to obtain the rights to broadcast or show your film.

  • Full contact details of the entrant.
  • If the entrant is aged 17 or under, details of a parent or guardian who has given permission for this entry.

By sending the completed entry form, entrants will be accepting the declaration on the form which states that the entrant(s) and all participants are amateur; that the film is a new production, using only unpublished material; that they agree to be bound by these terms and conditions; and that they have permission from all participants for their contribution.

3: It is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure that their film can be viewed via the link submitted. The 大象传媒 can take no responsibility for the unavailability of the service chosen, nor can the 大象传媒 take responsibility for any uploaded content should it break the terms and conditions of that service.

4: Closing time for entries is 6pm on Friday 28 August 2015. Submissions received after this time will not be considered. For the avoidance of doubt, submissions must reach the 大象传媒 by 6pm on Friday 28 August 2015. Therefore, make sure that you do not wait until the last minute to send your submission.

5: The competition is open to amateur filmmakers only, i.e.: a person who has not been previously credited or paid for their work in film, television or video production. An entry can be from an individual or groups of friends with one person entering on their behalf. In the case of group entries, all individuals in the group must meet the eligibility criteria in this section, and must be credited in your entry to allow us to verify that anyone who has helped make your film also fulfil these criteria. The requirement for all people involved in an entry to be amateur extends to all participants, including actors and musicians. Entries on behalf of production companies will not be considered.

6: This competition is open to UK residents (including Isle of Man and Channel Islands) aged 13 or over at 19 June 2015, except anyone related to the 大象传媒 or associated companies or any person involved in the running of the competition. Entrants aged 17 or under on 19 June 2015 will need to provide details of a parent or guardian who has given their permission for their entry. Entries from outside the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man will not be considered.

7: Only one entry per entrant. Multiple entries will not be considered. Only the first entry will be considered.

8: Films must meet the BBFC’s “U classification” as set out on the BBFC website (please note: this is an external website)*:

9: Films must be a maximum of 2 minutes long in duration, including credits.

10: Films must be a new production using only unpublished material. Any films that are found to have been previously published, before the competition opened will be disqualified.

11: All submissions must not breach any third party copyright. No commercial video, music or stills can be included. Production music licensed through the Mechanical-Copyright Protection Society (MCPS) may be used, but the entrant must ensure that they have gained the relevant clearances before they upload their film to any video sharing website as licensing this music for online use will involve a cost. All original music must be fully credited in your entry. Music licensed under creative commons or from other “royalty free” sources cannot be considered for this competition as the 大象传媒 may not be able to obtain the rights to broadcast or show your film. The 大象传媒 accepts no liability if entrants ignore these rules and entrants agree to indemnify fully the 大象传媒 against any claims by any third party arising from any breach of these rules. The films must not give undue prominence to trademarked products, including logos, toys and recognisable film characters.

12: In consideration of the 大象传媒 agreeing to assess entries, each entrant, by entering the competition, licenses the 大象传媒 (for itself and those authorised by it) the non- exclusive right to use his/her entry for all purposes in connection with the competition, including the right to communicate his/her entry to the public (including by broadcasting and via the internet). The licence shall terminate if the entrant is notified that he/she has been unsuccessful or if his/her entry is not included on the competition shortlist to be published in October 2015. Otherwise, all shortlisted entrants including the overall winner shall continue to licence both the 大象传媒, and those authorised by it, the non- exclusive rights referred to above, together with the continuing right to publish his/her entry on websites and the right to use the entry to promote the Kermode and Mayo Film Review programme, 大象传媒 Get Creative, 大象传媒 Radio 5 live, and this or any future film competition run by 大象传媒 Radio 5 live or 大象传媒 Get Creative. This licence does not affect entrants’ moral rights and entrants will retain full rights in their recording and composition insofar as they are the original author.

13: Entrants permit the 大象传媒 to edit or change entries in any way it may in its sole discretion consider necessary for the purposes of use in the competition and the promotion or broadcasting thereof.

14: Entries must not contain defamatory, obscene, violent or any other unsuitable material. If the entry features any people other than the entrants, they should be aware they were being filmed and permission should be obtained from all involved for the entry to be submitted in the competition (or their parents/guardians if under 18). It is the entrant’s responsibility to make participants aware that the film will be uploaded to the internet via a video sharing website as part of the entry process. If it can be reasonably interpreted that the people are not aware of being filmed, are humiliated or are embarrassed in any way, the 大象传媒 reserves the right to disqualify the entry.

15: Additional evidence may be required in order to verify an entrant’s identity and age. This may include a valid passport or driving licence. Evidence will also be required to verify that the entrant has gained relevant permissions from all participants and for any locations or third party material used in the entry. By entering the competition, entrants warrant that all information submitted by them is true, current and complete. For any entry which cannot provide the evidence required, the 大象传媒 reserves the right to disqualify the entry from the competition.

16: By entering the competition, entrants warrant that they have legal capacity to enter the competition and agree to be bound by these Rules.

17: Films will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Your Idea: how good is the initial written concept?
  • Creativity: which can include all aspects of filmmaking: from story to script, to location and cinematography.
  • Execution: how well does your film achieve what you set out to do?

18: Films will be judged through the process outlined below:

  • All entries will be viewed by members of the Kermode and Mayo Film Review Production Team, who will shortlist up to 10 entries, based on the judging criteria.
  • The shortlist will be taken to a final judging panel consisting of Mark Kermode, Simon Mayo, and Amma Asante, who will assess each film based on the judging criteria.
  • A top 3 will then be named, from which one overall winner is chosen.

19: In shortlisting and judging, it will be the production team and judges that decide if, in their view, an entry would meet the BBFC’s U classification. Shortlisting will not entitle any entry to formally claim that they have gained a U classification by this process.

20: The 大象传媒 will request a copy of all shortlisted films, at a higher quality than submitted to the competition through a video sharing site. Your work should be filmed in at least 1080p High Definition as we intend to show the winning film on a full size theatrical screen. If a suitable version cannot be provided, the 大象传媒 reserves the right not to shortlist that entry and shortlist another entry in its place.

21: The names of the entrants for shortlisted submissions and their films will be published on the Well Done U website () in October 2015. Shortlisted films may also be syndicated to appear on other online platforms, such as the Kermode and Mayo youtube channel, as part of the promotion for this competition. Entrants being considered for the shortlist may be contacted before this date to verify their work as original and to ensure all relevant permissions have been gained to enable the 大象传媒 to publish their films. If an entrant cannot be contacted after reasonable attempts have been made to do so, the 大象传媒 reserves the right to consider the next best entry for the shortlist instead.

22: Shortlisted films will be published by the 大象传媒 on . This prize is as stated and cannot be deferred or transferred. There will be no cash alternatives.

23: The top 3 films, as decided by the final judging panel will be revealed on the Kermode and Mayo Film Review on 大象传媒 Radio 5 live during a special live programme in November 2015 in London, with the overall winner announced during the programme. The top 3 entrants, including the overall winner, will be contacted in October 2015. If a selected entrant cannot be contacted after reasonable attempts have been made to do so, the 大象传媒 reserves the right to offer the prize to the next best entry.

24: The prize for the top 3 films is to be named as such, and the opportunity for the lead entrant responsible for each of those films to appear on the Kermode and Mayo Film Review programme during a special live broadcast in November 2015 in London, when the top 3 will be announced. Reasonable travel costs to appear on the programme with a guest will be either refunded or paid for in advance. If the entrant cannot attend in person, an alternative means of involving them in the programme may be found, such as an appearance by telephone or video-call. The prize is as stated and cannot be deferred or transferred. There will be no cash alternatives.

25: The overall winner’s prize will consist of a trophy, formal certification of their film by the BBFC, a public screening of their winning film, and the opportunity to appear on the Kermode and Mayo Film Review programme during a special live broadcast in November 2015 in London. Reasonable travel costs to appear on the programme with a guest will be either refunded or paid for in advance. If the winner cannot attend in person, an alternative means of involving them in the programme may be found, such as an appearance by telephone or video-call. The prize is as stated and cannot be deferred or transferred and it is the winner’s responsibility to make themselves available for the screening of their film at this event. There will be no cash alternatives.

26: The 大象传媒 reserves the right to disqualify any entry which breaches any of these Terms and Conditions or to withhold or withdraw a prize if in its opinion entries do not reach the required standard.

27: The 大象传媒 and the Kermode and Mayo Film Review Production team (Somethin’ Else Sound Directions Ltd) will only ever use personal details for the purposes of administering this competition, and, in accordance with the Data Protection Act, will not publish them or provide them to anyone else without permission. The names of the winning and shortlisted films and film-makers will be made public. Please see the 大象传媒’s Privacy Policy - .

28: Following standard industry practice, the 大象传媒 may undertake background checks of the shortlisted finalists. Information discovered, or that may have been disclosed by the entrants themselves will inform the decision as to the selection of the shortlisted entries, and the eventual winner.

29: The 大象传媒 reserves the right to cancel this competition at any stage, if deemed necessary in its opinion, and if circumstances arise outside its control. In this event, a notice will be posted on the Well Done U webpage - .

30: The 大象传媒’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Unsuccessful entrants will not be contacted.

31: The 大象传媒 cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for any technical failure or malfunction or any other problem with any server, Internet access, system, the post or otherwise which may result in any entry being lost or not properly registered or recorded. Proof of sending is not proof of receipt.

32: The 大象传媒 is not responsible for any of the video sharing websites or platforms that may be used for this competition. It is the sole responsibility of the entrant to ensure they have satisfied all the requirements of the third party site used. Including but not limited to copyright clearance for use of that site. The 大象传媒 shall not be liable for any breach by an entrant of any rule, term or condition of any third party site used to participate in this competition and entrants fully indemnify the 大象传媒 against any claims by any third party arising from any such breach.

33: These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales.

* The 大象传媒 is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites
About The BBFC
The BBFC is an independent, private, not-for-profit company which classifies films, video on all physical formats (DVD and Blu-ray Disc for example) and certain video games, advertisements and trailers. The BBFC operates transparent, well-understood and trusted co-regulatory and self-regulatory classification regimes, such as its digital video service, based on years of expertise and published Guidelines which reflect public opinion and the risk of harm; and is accountable to Parliament.