2015's best animal stories
Peaches the angry parrot
2015 was all about bizarre animal antics. Peaches lives in North Carolina and repeats the blazing rows of her now-divorced owners with startling (and quite frightening) accuracy, as 5 live Drive discovered. We’re not surprised the pair got divorced.

Ranting parrot owner: Usually my bird is ‘very happy’ and ‘very cuddly'
Cockatoo shocks new owners by repeating the blazing rows of its now-divorced ex-owners.
Peru's skateboarding bulldog
A bulldog called Otto broke the Guinness World Record for skateboarding through the 'longest human tunnel'. Hear the owner speak to Up All Night on 5 live, watch for yourself, and enjoy the happy look on the dog's face.

Meet Otto the skateboarding bulldog
Bulldog breaks record for skateboarding through the 'longest human tunnel' in Peru.
Bertie, the Usain Bolt of tortoises
Meanwhile, ten year-old Bertie the tortoise has broken a Guinness world record that has stood since 1977 - what's his secret? 5 live Drive spoke to the owner...

The world's fastest tortoise travels at 0.6 mph
Bertie the tortoise has broken a Guinness world record that has stood since 1977.
A new beak for Beaky the kite
When a kite broke his beak after growing too big inside his egg a surgeon had to take drastic action - see what happened next courtesy of 5 live Drive.

Surgeon: How I gave Beaky the kite a new beak
Beaky broke his beak after growing too big inside his egg.
A polar bear landed on me
No one wants to wake up with a polar bear on top of them, but that's exactly what happened to an unfortunate TV explorer in the Canadian Arctic as 5 live Drive discovered.

TV explorer: 'I just felt a polar bear land on me'
Asleep one minute, then woken up by a 750 pound mammal the next!
The smart shih tzu too clever for TV
Cooper the shih tzu is so smart he's now YouTube famous, with more than a million views. His owner told 5 live Breakfast he's even been declared "too good" for Britain's Got Talent.

Cooper: The dog too clever for Britain's Got Talent
He can count, identify shapes and stick his tongue out on command.
The man who looks too much like his dog
One man and his terrier, Crosby, are no longer allowed to ente dog and owner lookalike competitions - Radio 4's You and Yours discovered why...

Do you look like your pet?
Paul Keevil and Crosby have been banned from entering dog/owner lookalike competitions
The turkeys laughing in the face of fireworks
One farm found a novel solution for getting their turkeys ready for the loud noises of Bonfire Night. Radio 4's Farming Today paid a visit to their farm.

How to get turkeys to laugh at fireworks
One farm has a novel solution to getting their birds ready for Bonfire Night.
My best friend is a penguin
A widower from a remote Brazilian fishing village has made an unlikely best friend: a lost penguin called Jinjing. 5 live Hit List got reporter Paul Kiernan to tell the rest of the story.

The widower whose best friend is a penguin
The heartwarming tale of a lonely widower and his best friend, Jinjing the penguin.
Ponies in a lift
In December, two Shetland ponies visited Radio 2's Jeremy Vine Show - don't ask us why, just enjoy these scenes.

Watch Ponies at Radio 2
Watch what happened when two Shetland ponies visited the Jeremy Vine Show.
"The last thing on her mind was to accept me"
Finally we finish as we began with another cautionary tale of aggressive parrots from Radio 4's Natural Histories...

Lucy the parrot 'ripped a hole in my cheek'
Jonathan Elphick explains what happened when he looked after a neighbour's parrot.