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In pictures: Bear Necessities

Rescued moon bear cubs David and Jane are scared and malnourished. Without a cub nursery built at the sanctuary yet, they are at home so they can receive around the clock care.

There are 39 bears living at the Luang Prabang Wildlife Sanctuary and they were all rescued from the illegal wildlife trade. The sanctuary is under construction and plans are in place to one day have room for 150 bears.

Sun bears have the longest tongues of all bear species, it can reach up to 30 cm and they use it to extract insects from tree bark and honey from bees’ nests. Giles is using a treat to help Mary develop these skills.

At home, David and Jane escape from their room. Giles is on the case, as house furniture will not last long with sharp moon bear claws all over it.

Giles is giving moon bear cub Jane the opportunity to hone her climbing instincts. Preferably not using his arm!

Everyone is happy with Mary the sun bear’s progress; she is now living in much bigger enclosure with trees and climbing frames all to herself.

Matt says goodbye to Mary as she is about to take the biggest step forward in her rehabilitation. Mary is going to be introduced to another rescued sun bear.

Mary meets Noy, a recently rescued sun bear. The introduction is a success and Mary will no longer have contact with people.

The construction of the sanctuary is going well and there is more space for rescued bears. Three moon bear cubs arrive at the sanctuary as the Laos government cracks down on bear traffickers.

Giles has had an emotional, exhausting and inspiring year. He will not stop supporting Free the Bears. Bears will continue to come in until there is a an end to the illegal wildlife trade.