How drones helped reveal the wonders of our seven extraordinary continents
The Seven Worlds One Planet crew deployed drones all over the world and in some of the most hostile conditions on Earth, from the icy throws of Antarctica to the scorching deserts of Africa.
As the technology continues to improve, drones are becoming more important not just in filming wildlife but also in studying it.
Whether above ground in the dense jungles of Borneo or below it in Slovenia’s remote cave system, drones proved vital in capturing the extraordinary moments featured across the series.
Modern drones are quieter, more portable and have longer battery lives. As the technology continues to improve, drones are becoming more important not just in filming wildlife but also in studying it.
Here are some of the ways this technology helped Seven Worlds One Planet explore our seven unique continents and the incredible wildlife within them:


South America



North America


On location
The crew's most memorable filming moments
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The quest to film the elusive brown hyena
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A fish tale with a twist
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Tales from Tennessee
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Firefly fireworks
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Filming in Frozen Swamps
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The roadie experience
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Drama in the troop
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Flying underground
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Filming dragons
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Devils on the edge
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How drones helped reveal the wonders of Seven Worlds
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A Peek-a-Boo veteran in the jungles of Australia
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Finding and filming wildlife in the jungle
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Walking with cats
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A bear called Paddington
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Hiding in plain sight
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Walrus on the edge
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Bears in the Valley of the Geysers
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The search for the fin whale
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Gentle giants
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Extreme parenting
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Saving Seven Worlds
The last rhinos
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Colliding worlds
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A lifeline for the Iberian lynx
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Rainforest invaders
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Australia's hidden past
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Protecting a South American wonder of the world
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The vanishing forest
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How you can save Asia’s jungles
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A sanctuary for the endangered whale shark
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First steps to safety
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A frozen continent in a warming world
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The grey headed albatross faces extinction
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The fisherman's good luck omen
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Fur seals pups have the base surrounded
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The Southern Ocean is a globally important carbon sink
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An alien invader is colonising Antarctic waters
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