The past and present of The Village
Series 1
We first meet as a twelve-year-old boy. Britain has just declared war on Germany and the young men of the Village, including Bert’s older brother , have gone off to fight.

The Middleton Farm falls on hard times, and the family suffers even more tragedy when Joe returns home on leave. The Big House, where matriarch , her husband and their three children, local MP , army officer and 'loose cannon' reside, is not immune to the effects of the war and they too suffer a great loss within their family when Mr. Allingham commits suicide.
The War ends and a memorial is erected to unite the Village in their huge loss. Joe's mother fears her son, who has been executed for desertion after suffering from shell shock, will not be named on the monument, but as the villagers gather, the Middletons see that Joe has been honoured with the other fallen soldiers.
Series 2
By series 2 it is the early 1920s. Dance halls and jazz music are having their influence on the lives of the Village. As an election year divides and inspires, we will find the power of the woman’s vote has been sorely undervalued - until now!

The Middleton Farm is on the up. Experimenting with new farming methods has helped John to slowly transform the fortunes of the farm. The political climate of the Village inspires Grace to find her voice, and she plans on using it.
The Allinghams are in a grander Big House. Edmund’s political career is on the rise as he sets his sights for the top, and as ever is bolstered by his mother’s own ruthless ambition. When scandal threatens to jeopardise this, his political advisor Bairstow is always on hand to quash it.
The scars of the War are still plainly visible, but this is a time of growth and rebuilding. Women’s freedom, a sexual awakening and modern influences bring about an era of change for Britain… but will this be for the good of the Village?