Scandinavian Rice Pudding with Hot Cherry Sauce
Scandinavian Rice Pudding with Hot Cherry Sauce
Danish chef Trine Hahnemann was one of our 3 Wise Chefs. She shared her recipe for this traditional Scandinavian Christmas dessert.

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Trine says: For me, this is the best pudding in the world and I only eat it on Christmas Eve, then demolish the leftovers on the days after Christmas.
When we serve it on Christmas Eve, we also play a little game. One whole almond is added to the serving bowl, then we sit and eat in suspense: who gets the almond? Finding the almond means that you receive a present: the ‘almond gift’. If you get the almond, you must hide it and not reveal yourself until everybody has eaten the whole bowl…that can be a daunting task.
Serves 8
For the rice pudding:
- 2 vanilla pods
- 300g short-grain pudding rice
- 1.6 litres whole milk
- 2 tsp salt
- 2 tbsp caster sugar
- 150g blanched almonds
- 500ml double cream
For the cherry sauce:
- 700g pitted cherries, fresh or frozen
- 150g caster sugar, or to taste
- 1 vanilla pod
- 3 tbsp cornflour
- Cut one of the vanilla pods lengthways, without cutting it all the way through.
- Bring 300ml of water to a boil in a large, heavy-based saucepan, add the rice and boil for two minutes, while stirring.
- Add the milk and split vanilla pod, stirring until it returns to a boil. Cover and cook for 25 minutes, stirring often so it doesn’t burn.
- Remove from the heat and add the salt. Cover and set aside for 10 minutes, then stir in the sugar and leave until cold, or overnight.
- Remove the vanilla pod and transfer the rice mixture to a large bowl.
- Roughly chop all the almonds except for one, which must be left whole for the game!
- Cut the second vanilla pod lengthways, scrape out the seeds with the tip of a knife and add them to the rice.
- Whip the cream in a bowl until it forms soft peaks. Fold one-third of the cream into the rice to loosen, then fold in the rest.
- Add the chopped almonds. Taste the pudding: it should be sweet with a flavour of vanilla. Push the whole almond down into the pudding; it should be well hidden.
To make the sauce:
- Mix the cherries, sugar and vanilla pod with 500ml of water in a saucepan.
- Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
- Slake the cornflour in 3 tbsp of water in a cup or small bowl. Slowly add it to the cherries until they thicken, stirring constantly, and season to taste with more sugar, if you want.
- Serve the cold rice pudding with the hot cherry sauce.