An Tarsainn
Historical documentary in Gaelic. Gilieasbuig Ferguson uncovers the story of a hazardous journey from Skye to Prince Edward Island, undertaken by 800 Highlanders.
Ann an 2003 chuireadh dealbh-chluiche air chois anns an Eilean Sgitheanach a' comharrachadh gu robh 200 bliadhna bho thog 800 de Gh脿idheil oirre gu saoghal ur air Eilean a' Phrionnsa. Bha iad a' gabhail cothrom air sgeama a steidhicheadh leis a' Morair Selkirk agus tha am pr貌gram seo a chaidh a' chl脿radh aig am nan cuimhneachan ag innse sgeulachd an luchd-siubhail agus a' rannsachadh an d矛leab.
In 2003 a community play was staged on the island of Skye to mark the 200th anniversary of the departure of 800 Highlanders on a hazardous sea voyage to Prince Edward Island. They were participating in a scheme established by the then Lord Selkirk to help beleagured Gaelic communites settle in Canada. This documentary, made at the t矛me of the celebration, tells the story of these travellers and examines their legacy to the islanders of today.