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Am Braighe's Am Bayou
Documentary about Blair Douglas including a rare interview with the musician who has gained international recognition for his unmistakably distinctive and original work.
Tha am fear-ciuil ainmeil Blar Dubhglas a' gabhail cuairt tro bheatha is e a'deanamh a shlighe eadar a dhachaidh anns an Eilean Sgitheanach gu aite eile far am bheil daimh ladair aige ris na daoine agus an cuid ciuil, am Bayou.
Documentary about Blair Douglas including a rare interview with the musician who has gained international recognition for his unmistakably distinctive and original work. It follows him from his home in Skye to Louisiana in the States as he further explores new musical influences.
Last on
Wed 29 Dec 2010