Consumer news and issues with Liz Barclay and Peter White.
Presented by Liz Barclay and Peter White.
On Tuesday the EU Parliament voted to include airlines in the EU emissions trading scheme. What will this mean for passengers?
Truck stop land is being sold off for development. Thus is causing frustration is building as truck drivers, who legally must take a break after so many hours, are forced to park in unsuitable areas or spend precious hours searching for somewhere safe to rest.
Natural England, the government's land management agency, has serious concerns about some sites short-listed for development.
Figures for the take-up of school dinners show a continued decline in the number of older children choosing to eat their meals in the canteen. Bishopsworth Junior School in Bristol has managed to buck the trend. With Children's Minister Kevin Brennan and Brian Dow, a Director of the The School Food Trust.
A European ban on the use of battery cages in egg production will come into force in 2012, to the delight of animal welfare organisations.
Airline food: Comments from our message board on meals served on the shortest of flights, following on from the feature on airline food last week.