Consumer news and issues with Winifred Robinson and Liz Barclay.
Presented by Winifred Robinson and Liz Barclay.
Google's Street View will show a 360-degree picture of any house and the surrounding street. It has been described as a gross invasion of privacy - but is it? With media lawyer Paul Gilbert and Technology Correspondent Bill Thompson.
As ebook technology improves the experience of reading off screen, more and more books could become accessible. With Jack Roberts of publisher Bad Idea and Michael Moran, editor of the Timesonline.
When the Environment Agency announced they were going to sell and rent out 22 lock keepers' cottages along the Thames, concerns were expressed over safety. Now the plans have been delayed as the Agency conducts a review. With Theresa May MP.
Computer experts have released software to tackle a security glitch in the internet's addressing system. The flaw, discovered by accident, would have allowed criminals to redirect users to fake web pages. With Bill Thompson, Technology Correspondent.
One of the reasons Seb Coe and his team won the vote to hold the 2012 Olympics was their emphasis on legacy and inspiring more and more people to make sport a lifestyle habit.
Julian Baggini is a philosopher and the author of a book called Complaint - from Minor Moans to Principled Protests. Julian advocates channelling complaints as a force for change.