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Gaol is Ionndrainn

Banntraichean le sgeulachd am beatha an deidh sgarradh a bhais. Five widows and widowers tell their stories of grief and going on with life.

Canaidh cuid gu bheil e nas fhasa dhuinn bruidhinn air cuspair sam bi an diugh ach am b脿s fh猫in, gur e an rud mu dheireadh mu bheil sinn airson smaoineachadh ged a se an aon ni cinnteach a tha nar beatha. Anns a phr貌gram seo, tha coigear a chaidh am f脿gail nam banntraichean a' bruidhinn gu fosgailte air c貌 ris a bha e coltach dhaibhsan nuair a chaill iad an companach, ciamar a bha iad a' faireachdainn agus ciamar a ghluais iad air adhart le'm beatha.

Documentary which explores coping with grief and life as a widow and widower through the individual stories of five people. Peggy Macleod, Mary Ann Maciver, Willie Campbell and Joan MacCormick were all at different stages in their lives and in different circumstances when they were widowed but they each had to move forward and adjust to life without their partner. They describe candidly how they confronted the most profound experience of their lives and moved forward with a new life.

1 hour

Last on

Mon 7 Jun 2010 22:30
