All the Young Dudes: Pop and Fashion
Paul Morley journeys back through time to revisit his own adventures and misadventures in fashion and meets the pop stars who he feels are responsible for the way he looks now.
Writer Paul Morley takes a journey back through time to revisit his own adventures and misadventures in fashion and meets the pop stars who he feels are responsible for the way he looks now.
Morley uses pop music as a kind of time machine and his encounters with pop stars in this documentary act as portals into other worlds where people wear bovver boots and braces or sparkly capes and flower shaped hats.
He seeks out the men who have influenced him and shaped fashion over the decades and finds a touch of himself in the glamour of Slade, the prog-rock playfulness of Jethro Tull, the androgyny of The Human League, the soberness and intellect of Joy Division, the darkness of Tricky and the geography teacher attire of Jarvis Cocker.