Martha Speaks Episodes Episode guide
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Matha Spins a Tale
80/80 To distract Jake from the heat, Martha tells him a story.
Skits Monkeys Around
79/80 Skits wants to be just like Malcolm, the blue monkey on TV.
Martha's Duck Trouble
78/80 Ralph, the wounded duck from the lake, has settled in at Martha's house to convalesce.
Dog Fight
77/80 Martha and Skits don't want to share their newest, coolest dog toy.
Truman's Brother
76/80 Truman and TD both wish they had a brother.
Martha Hears
75/80 Martha leads Helen and TD to Weaselgraft and Pablum's lair by describing what she hears.
Martha's Pack
74/80 When Helen leaves Martha off her family tree, Martha decides to make her own pack.
TD and the Light Bulb of Doom
73/80 TD leaves a project until the last minute and winds up in a panic. Can he finish in time?
Martha Takes a Stand
72/80 Faced with yet another bath, Martha makes a stand for her right to stink.
Martha Makes Scents
71/80 Martha decides TD's dad OG should invent a perfume that will cover up her doggy scent.
What's Bothering Bob?
70/80 What's the matter with Bob? He is off his chain and he is chasing Truman all over town.
Truman's Secret
69/80 Where has Truman been and why is he acting so weird?
Therapy Dog
68/80 Martha becomes a hospital therapy dog, spreading cheer among the patients.
Here's Martha!
67/80 Martha hosts a TV show where she helps people understand their animals better.
Martha's Worst Best Day
66/80 Martha offends just about everybody with her insults.
Martha Smells
65/80 Martha is secretly trapped inside Pablum and Weaselgraft's hideout.
Martha Treads the Boards
64/80 Mom and Dad get trapped in their dressing room on the night of their theatre production.
Martha Goes to School
63/80 Martha gets a job as a substitute teacher.
Martha the Witness
62/80 Martha witnesses an accident that destroys Mrs Demson's lawn furniture.
Martha Bakes
61/80 Martha and Skits try to bake a cake for Helen.
Martha's Dirty Habit
60/80 The family decide they need to put Martha's desire to dig to good use.
Martha vs Robot
59/80 Alice's family gets a robotic pet called Dynamo who can do everything a real dog can do.
TD and the Steak Tree
58/80 TD gets hoodwinked by Weaselgraft and Pablum into buying a steak tree.
Martha Models
57/80 Carolina teams up with Helen to design outfits for a dog costume parade.
Martha the Weather Dog
56/80 Windy McCloud, Wagstaff City's meteorologist, wants Martha to be her weather dog.
TD Makes the Band
55/80 Everybody's singing about Shecky the Sea Lion and it's driving TD nuts!
Martha Fails the Course
54/80 After she sees a dog agility course on TV, Martha decides to become an agility dog.
TD Gets the Scoop
53/80 Carolina starts a newspaper, the Carolina Town Crier, so TD turns investigative reporter.
Ice Scream
52/80 Alice is shocked to discover that Truman has never actually tried ice cream.
Martha and the Thief of Hearts
51/80 The gang make valentines for each other, but everybody's art supplies begin disappearing.