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Tha litir bheag na seachdain-sa aig Ruaraidh MacIllEathain. This week's short letter for learners is introduced by Ruaraidh MacLean.

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Mon 9 Nov 2009 19:00


An Litir Bheag 235

Bha mi ag innse dhuibh an t-seachdain sa chaidh mu ghobhair. Bha na seann daoine ag ràdh gun robh gobhair a’ marbhadh is ag ithe nathraichean. Uill, chan eil fhios a’m mu dheidhinn sin. Ach bidh gobhair a’ nochdadh gu tric ann an seanfhaclan Gàidhlig. Seo fear agaibh: Dail chuach am bainne ghobhar, suath ri d’ aghaidh, ’s chan eil mac rìgh air an domhan nach bi nad dhèidh. With violets and goats’ milk anoint your face, and there is not a king’s son in the world will not be after you. Dail chuach am bainne ghobhar, suath ri d’ aghaidh, ’s chan eil mac rìgh air an domhan nach bi nad dhèidh. Faodaidh na boireannaich innse dhomh a bheil sin ag obair! An cuala sibh moladh nan Gàidheal air an neart a thig à bainne ghobhar?: Bainne nan gobhar fo chobhar ’s e blàth, ’s e chuireadh an spionnadh sna daoine a bha. Tis the milk of the goat foaming and warm that gave the strength to the past generations of people. Bainne nan gobhar fo chobhar ’s e blàth, ’s e chuireadh an spionnadh sna daoine a bha. Agus cuimhnichibh am fear seo an ath-bhliadhna. Sin nuair a thig an Cèitean no am Màigh – the month of May. Is leigheas air gach tinneas creamh is ìm a’ Mhàigh; òl am fochair siud bainne ghobhar bàn. To heal all disease, take garlic and May butter; drink along with that white goats’ milk. Is leigheas air gach tinneas creamh is ìm a’ Mhàigh; òl am fochair siud bainne ghobhar bàn. Bha na seann daoine dhen bheachd gun robh bainne ghobhar math dhut. An toigh leat fhèin bainne ghobhar? Agus seo agaibh abairt a bhios feumail anns a’ gheamhradh. Agus chan eil an geamhradh fad-às a-nise. Bidh stoirmean ann sa gheamhradh. Agus ma tha a’ ghaoth uabhasach làidir, faodaidh sibh a ràdh: Sheideadh e na h-adharcan de ghobhar. It would blow the horns off a goat. Sheideadh e na h-adharcan de ghobhar. Tha mi an dòchas nach bi an t-sìde mar sin airson greis fhathast!

The Little Letter 235

I was telling you last week about goats. The old people were saying that goats killed and ate snakes. Well, I don’t know about that. But goats appear often in Gaelic proverbs. Here is one for you: With violets and goats’ milk anoint your face, and there is not a king’s son in the world will not be after you. With violets and goats’ milk anoint your face, and there is not a king’s son in the world will not be after you. With violets and goats’ milk anoint your face, and there is not a king’s son in the world will not be after you. Did you ever hear the Gaels’ praise of the strength that comes from goats’ milk: Tis the milk of the goat foaming and warm that gave the strength to the past generations of people. Tis the milk of the goat foaming and warm that gave the strength to the past generations of people. Tis the milk of the goat foaming and warm that gave the strength to the past generations of people. And remember this one next year. That’s when May comes. To heal all disease, take garlic and May butter; drink along with that white goats’ milk. To heal all disease, take garlic and May butter; drink along with that white goats’ milk. To heal all disease, take garlic and May butter; drink along with that white goats’ milk. The old people were of the opinion that goats’ milk was good for you. Do you yourself like goats’ milk? And here is a phrase for you that will be useful in the winter. And the winter is not far away now. There are storms in the winter. And if the wind is very strong, you can say: It would blow the horns off a goat. It would blow the horns off a goat. It would blow the horns off a goat. I hope that the weather will not be like that for a while yet!


  • Mon 9 Nov 2009 19:00

All the letters

Tha gach Litir Bheag an seo / All the Little Letters are here.

Podcast: An Litir Bheag

The Little Letter for Gaelic Learners

An Litir Bheag air LearnGaelic

An Litir Bheag is also on LearnGaelic (with PDFs)
