Tha Eun Hee de貌nach rud sam bith a dh猫anamh gus teicheadh 脿 Korea a Tuath. Eun Hee is willing to do anything to flee North Korea.
Tha Eun Hee de貌nach rud sam bith a dh猫anamh gus teicheadh 脿 Korea a Tuath. Tha am pr貌gram ga leantainn d矛reach as d猫idh dhi a dhol tarsainn air abhainn Tuman a-steach a Sh矛ona. A-nis tha i fh猫in agus buidheann de dh' fh貌garraich a' d猫anamh turas 10, 000 cilemeatair 脿 S矛ona gu Korea a Deas. Ma th猫id greim fhaighinn oirre agus a cur air ais, bidh binn b脿is roimhpe. Ma bhitheas iad be貌 aig deireadh an turais, fi霉s ged a sheachnas iad an fheadhainn a bhitheas an l霉ib malairt feise, feumaidh iad fhathast coiseachd tro aon de na coilltean as fhiadhaich ann an Aisia.
Eun Hee is willing to do anything to flee North Korea. After she has made it across the Tuman River into China she and a group of other desperate refugees embark on a perilous 10,000 km trip from China to South Korea. If she is caught and sent back she will face the death penalty. Surviving the journey is an enormous feat, even if they avoid falling in to the hands of sex traffickers, they still have to trek through one of the wildest jungles in Asia, dodge border police and sniffer dogs, and walk for days without food.
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Soillse : North Korea
Duration: 01:13