The six teens meet two of Scotland's top music producers to make their own electro-house dance track. The track will be debuted the very next day on Radio nan Gaidheal.
Tha na deugairean a' coinneachadh ri dithis de na riochdairean ci霉il as fhe脿rr san d霉thaich airson an t-貌ran aca fh猫in a chruthachadh ann an stoidhl' 'electro'. Cuideachd, tha sgioba R猫idio nan G脿idheal air aontachadh uair gu leth a thoirt dhaibh airson pr貌gram a chuir ri ch猫ile ag amas air an aois aca fh猫in. Air a' phrogram bidh an t-貌ran 霉r aca fh猫in air a chluichd airson a chiad uair, ach mur a bheil am pr貌gram math gu leor, cha t猫id a chraoladh.
The six teens meet two of Scotland's top music producers to make their own electro-house dance track. The track will be debuted the very next day as Radio nan Gaidheal surrender their airwaves to the teenagers for 90 minutes to entertain the nation. The Radio nan Gaidheal producer will have the final say on whether or not their show is good enough for broadcast.