Chan e Igam Ogam a Th'annamsa (I'm not Igam Ogam)
Animated series for precocious pre-schoolers. Horrified at the state of Igam Ogam's bedroom, Seanair-Seoras asks her to tidy up.
Tha Seanair-Seoras air oillteachadh le cho mi-sgiobalta 's a tha an seomar aig Igam Ogam. Chan eil Igam Ogam ann an sunnd am burach a sgioblachadh 's mar thoradh tha i ri cleasan airson an obair a sheachnadh. A' leigeil orra nach e Igam Ogam a th' innte, tha i a' cur a h-uile duine troimhe cheile, gu h-araidh Rolag, nach eil a tuigsinn ciamar a tha Igam Ogam a-nis na 'Rolag'. Tha Seanair-Seoras ro ghlic ge-ta, 's tha cleas no dha aige fhein a bheir air Igam Ogam an fhirinn innse.
Animated series for precocious pre-schoolers.
Horrified at the state of Igam Ogam's bedroom, Seanair-Seoras asks her to tidy the mess up but Igam Ogam is in no mood to tidy up and will do anything to avoid her chores. Pretending she is not really Igam Ogam she confuses her friends, especially poor Rolag who doesn't quite understand why Igam Ogam is now claiming to be 'Rolag'. But Seanair-Seoras has a few tricks of his own that wants Igam Ogam to tell the truth and tidy her room.