Deiseil (All Gone)
Planning to spend the day painting with her friends, Igam Ogam is disappointed to discover that her paint pools have mysteriously dried up.
Tha Igam Ogam airson an latha a chur seachad a' peantadh cuide ri caraidean ach 's ann a tha pollagan nam peant air tiormachadh orra. Cuide ri Rolag 's Cuilean tha Igam Ogam a' dol a choimhead ach de is coireach. Tha iad a' faicinn gu bheil cuideigin air sgudal a chaitheamh air falbh 's gu bheil sin air casg a chuir air a' pheant. Feumaidh iad an t-aite sgioblachadh airson's gum fiagh am peant sruthadh dha na pollagan a-rithist.
Planning to spend the day painting with her friends, Igam Ogam is disappointed to discover that her paint pools have mysteriously dried up. With the help of Rolag and Cuilean, she sets off to investigate the situation and finds that Rolag has carelessly littered the place, causing a blockage. They must tidy up the mess so that the paint can once again flow freely to the pools.