Victoria was only a few days old when her parents were told that she had a serious heart disorder. Now nine, Victoria waits for a new heart.
Cha robh Bhictoria Larsson ach latha no dh脿 a dh'aois nuair a chaidh innse dha p脿rantan gun robh droch thriobaid cridhe aice. Bha aca ri ullachadh luath a dh猫anamh airson a baisteadh, oir cha robh fios d猫 cho fada 's a bhiodh i be貌. Tha am pr貌gram seo a' t貌iseachadh san D霉bhlachd 2006. Bha Bhictoria 8 an uairsin; bha a bilean gorm ri linn d矛th ogsaidein; bha giorrad analach oirre. Ged a bha a gaol-beatha na bu l脿idire na bha e a-riamh, cha b' urrainn dha Bhictoria a dhol dhan sgoil mar a
b' 脿bhaist. Cha robh c脿il ann a sh脿bhaileadh a beatha ach cridhe a dheigheadh a thoirt 脿 leanabh eile. Bha m貌ran smuaintean aice mun bh脿s, ach cuideachd mu na dh'fhaodadh i a dh猫anamh nan deigheadh beatha 霉r a bhuileachadh oirre.
Victoria Larsson was only a few days old when her parents were told that she had a serious heart disorder. They had to make rapid preparations for a christening, as no one knew how long she would live. This programme begins in December 2006. Victoria was then eight; her lips were blue due to lack of oxygen and she was short of breath.
Although her love of life was stronger than ever, Victoria could no longer manage normal school days. Only a donated heart from another child could save her life. She had many thoughts about death, but about what she'd do if she were granted new life, too. One spring evening in 2007 what Victoria and her parents had long been hoping for happened: the phone rings - someone has donated a little beating heart to Victoria and it's time for Victoria to be admitted to the Queen Silvia Children's Hospital in Gothenburg.