Quizilol and Solongo are Tsaatan nomads who live with their families and their 800 reindeer in northern Mongolia.
'S e inilteirean Tsaatan a th' ann an Quizilol agus Solongo. Tha iad a' fuireach c貌mhla rin teaghlaichean agus an 800 r猫in-fhiadh air c貌mhnardan sneachdach ceann a tuath Mhongolia. Tha an dithis dheugair ag aisling mu p貌sadh agus st貌ladh s矛os. Ach an toiseach feumaidh Quizilol dearbhadh dha athair Solongo gu bheil e airidh air a p貌sadh. Seo sgeulachd mu thuras ghille 貌g bho bhith na 貌igear gu bhith na inbheach agus mu a chur leis a bh' aige airson rein-fh猫idh chaillte a lorg agus an toirt air ais dhan treud.
Quizilol and Solongo are Tsaatan nomads. They live with their families and their 800 reindeer in the snow-covered plains of northern Mongolia. The two teenagers dream of getting married and settling down, but first Quizilol must convince Solongo's father that he is worthy of her hand in marriage. This is a tale of a young man's journey from adolescence into adulthood and his perseverance to find lost reindeer and bring them back to the herd.