Dud (Tag You're It)
Igam Ogam is convinced that no one can beat her at tag and is not very happy to discover that others are able to keep up with her.
Tha Igam Ogam den bheachd nach eil duine eile cho math rithe air 'd霉d' a chluich 's chan eil i idir toilichte nuair a thuigeas i gu bheil cach a cheart cho 猫asgaidh rithe. A cluich chleasan air cach a ch猫ile, ni iad uile an d矛cheall airson an geam a bhuannachadh ach 's e Seanair-Se貌ras a ni a ch霉is orra uile aig a cheann thall.
Igam Ogam is convinced that no one can beat her at tag and is not very happy to discover that others are able to keep up with her. Playing all sorts of tricks on one another, herself and her friends will try anything in order to win the game. However it is Seanair-Se貌ras that outsmarts them all in the end.