Tha litir bheag na seachdain aig Ruaraidh MacIllEathain. This week's short letter for learners is introduced by Ruaraidh MacLean.
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An Litir Bheag 312
Duration: 03:46
An Litir Bheag 312
鈥橲 e St Andrews an t-ainm Beurla air a鈥 bhaile ann am F矛obh, Cill R矛mhinn. An toiseach, bha 鈥淪t Andrews鈥 co-cheangailte a-mh脿in ris an eaglais. Cha robh e co-cheangailte ris a鈥 bhaile. Bha eaglais ann an Cill R矛mhinn coisrigte don Naomh Anndra. Cuin a dh鈥櫭╥rich an ceangal eadar Anndra agus an t-脿ite seo? Chan eil sinn cinnteach. Chan eil fianais l脿idir ann ron aonamh linn deug.
Ach tha aon seann chunntas ag innse dhuinn rud inntinneach. Tha e ag r脿dh gun deach cn脿mhan aig an naomh a thoirt ann nuair a bha R矛gh Ungus aig na Cruithnich. Bha fear dhen ainm sin be貌 anns an ochdamh linn.
A r猫ir a鈥 chunntais, thug fear Regulus cuid de chn脿mhan Anndra ann 脿 Constantinople. Chuir e eaglais air chois aig Ceann R矛ghmonadh (an t-ainm G脿idhlig air a鈥 bhaile). Fhuair e taic bho R矛gh Ungus. Bha Regulus agus seachd companaich aig Ceann R矛ghmonadh. Nochd Ungus le arm. Bha e air a bhith a鈥 sabaid an aghaidh n脿imhdean 脿 ceann a deas Bhreatainn. Chunnaic Regulus is a chompanaich solas naomh. Bha sin timcheall an r矛gh. Thuit iad don talamh. Bha an solas uabhasach soilleir.
Bha fear de na daoine a bha an l脿thair air a bhith dall bhon latha a rugadh e. Dh鈥櫭╥gh e gun robh fradharc aige a-nise. Dh鈥櫭╥gh e gun robh e a鈥 faicinn ainglean.
Choinnich Regulus ri Ungus. Thug Ungus an t-脿ite do Dhia agus don Naomh Anndra. Dh鈥檌arr e gum biodh e aca gu s矛orraidh. Dh鈥檌arr e gum biodh an t-脿ite na mh脿thair don a h-uile eaglais ann an r矛oghachd nan Albannach. Thog Regulus agus a chompanaich manachainn an sin.
Anns an deicheamh linn tha easbaig Chill R矛mhinn air ainmeach-adh mar episcopo Sancti Andree 鈥 the bishop of St Andrew. Ge-t脿, 鈥檚 d貌cha gun robh sin a鈥 ciallachadh d矛reach ainm na h-eaglaise fh猫in. Anns an d脿rna linn deug tha sinn a鈥 faicinn a鈥 bhaile air ainmeachadh a r猫ir ainm na h-eaglaise. Ann am Beurla, 鈥檚 e St Andrews a bha air, an 脿ite Kilrymont. Agus ann am Beurla, tha St Andrews air a鈥 bhaile mar ainm an-di霉gh, ged a ch霉m na G脿idheil ris an t-seann ainm, Cill R矛mhinn.The Little Letter 312
St Andrews is the English name for the town in Fife, Cill R矛mhinn. To begin with, 鈥淪t Andrews鈥 was connected only to the church. It wasn鈥檛 connected to the town. There was a church in St Andrews dedicated to St Andrew. When did the link between Andrew and this place arise? We鈥檙e not sure. There鈥檚 no strong evidence before the eleventh century.
听听听听听听听 But there鈥檚 one old account that tells us an interesting thing. It says that bones of the saint were taken there when King Ungus (Aonghas) ruled the Picts. There was one of that name alive in the eighth century.
听听听听听听听 According to the account, a certain Regulus took some of Andrew鈥檚 bones there from Constantinople. He established a church at Ceann R矛ghmonadh (the Gaelic name for the settlement). He obtained help from King Ungus. Regulus and seven companions were at Ceann R矛ghmonadh. Ungus appeared with his army. He had been fighting enemies from southern Britain. Regulus and his companions saw a sacred light. That was around the king. They fell to the ground. The light was very strong.
听听听听听听听 One of the people present had been blind since the day he was born. He shouted that he now had eyesight. He shouted that he was seeing angels.
听听听听听听听 Regulus met Ungus. Ungus gave the place to God and to St Andrew. He asked that it be theirs forever. He asked that the place be a mother to every church in the kingdom of the Scots. Regulus and his companions built a monastery there.
听听听听听听听 In the tenth century the bishop of St Andrews is named episcopo Sancti Andree 鈥 the bishop of St Andrew. However, that perhaps just means the name of the church itself. In the twelfth century, we see the settlement name according to the name of the church. In English it was [now] St Andrews, rather than Kilrymont. And in English, St Andrews remains the name of the town, although the Gaels retained the old name, Cill R矛mhinn.Broadcast
- Mon 2 May 2011 19:00大象传媒 Radio nan G脿idheal
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Podcast: An Litir Bheag
The Little Letter for Gaelic Learners
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An Litir Bheag
Litirichean do luchd-ionnsachaidh ura. Letters in Gaelic for beginners.