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Episode 2 of 26

The Abadas love to sing and dance and are delighted when they hear that the day's word is a musical one. Which Abada will be chosen to look for the word?

'S toigh le na h-Abadas a bhith a' seinn agus a' dannsa agus tha iad cho sona ri br貌g nuair a tha iad a' cluinntinn gur e facal ce貌lmhor a th'ann an diugh. C貌'n Abadas a th猫id a thaghadh airson am facal a lorg agus d猫 se貌rsa turas a bhios aca?

The Abadas love to sing and dance and are delighted when they hear that the day's word is a musical one. Which Abada will be chosen to look for the word and will they have a 'furtastic' adventure?

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11 minutes


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