Prògraman CBeebies air ´óÏó´«Ã½ ALBA
Prògraman, òrain agus spòrs am pailteas bho sgioba CBeebies ALBA.
Daibhidh Walker reads Hamish agus an Trèana.
Tha fionnain-fheòir leumnach. Grasshoppers are jumpy.
Pip wants to organise a winter show which is full of sparkle!
Tusk crosses the forest paths with his new motorbike.
Fiona Dunn a’ leughadh Leòmhann ann am Paris. Fiona Dunn reads Leòmhann ann am Paris.
A timetable would be very helpful to keep order today.
Tha a h-uile neach fìor mhath air rudeigin. Everyone is very good at something.
A selection of songs from the CBeebies ALBA presenters.
Ernest is grumbling. His bees are producing bitter, inedible honey.
Ewen Henderson reads Sgeulachd Bruis-fhiaclan.
Huggleboo and Zizou are putting together a circus performance. 
It is a peaceful day but Neep is digging holes all over the Island and won’t stop.
After building a snow castle in the mountains, Hari is sent to look for a stool.
Alasdair Whyte reads ‘S e Tìgear a th’ annam.
Feumaidh Meaban is Moo rudan purpaidh a lorg. Meaban and Moo look for purple things.
Tha AH-AH a’ sireadh companach taighe. AH-AH is looking for a housemate.
Tha daolag-bhreac bheag na suain an-diugh. A little ladybird is fast asleep today.
Tha Fuigheag a’ cluich le rudeigin spòrsail. Fuigheag is playing with something fun.
Tha cùisean trang, trang air an tuathanas. Things are very busy on the farm.