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Cruinneachadh nan Comhlan/Meeting of the Bands

St Laurence O'Toole Pipe Band, one of the world's leading grade one bands, comes to the Western Isles of Scotland to meet and play with the local bands of Lewis, Uist and Skye.

Nuair a thàinig an còmhlan pìob St Laurence O'Toole, aon de na còmhlain pìob as fheàrr anns an
t-saoghal, dha na h-eileanan siar airson cluich còmhla ri na còmhlain ionadail. Tha St Laurence O'Toole a-measg cuid de na còmhlain pìob as cliùitich a tha tric gu math soirbheachail aig farpaisean air feadh an t-saoghail. Choisinn iad duais farpais an t-saoghail ann an 2010, ceud bliadhna bho chaidh an còmhlan a stèidheachadh ann am Baile Ath-Cliath ann an 1910.

Aig deireadh A' Mhàirt 2012 thàinig na rionnagan Èireannach seo gu na h-Eileanan Siar air deireadh sheachdain grianach gaothach airson cluich aig cuirmean ciùil agus tachartasan, ach 's e splaoid gu na Hearadh nach tèid à cuimhne gu bràth nuair a chaidh còrr air ceud pìobaire 's druimear suas cnoc os cionn tràigh Horgaboist.

Chaidh spiorad agus toileachas Cruinneachadh nan Còmhlan a ghlacadh airson program airson ´óÏó´«Ã½ ALBA.

St Laurence O'Toole Pipe Band, one of the world's leading grade one bands comes to the Western
Isles of Scotland to meet and play with the local bands of the islands of Lewis, Uist and Skye.

No roll call of the great pipebands of all times would miss out St Laurence O'Toole of Dublin. Founded in 1910 they are frequent winners at all the major competitions such as European, British, Scottish and Cowal Championships. They were crowned world championships in 2010 in their centenary year.

In a break from their usual competition circuit the Irish superstars came to the Western Isles on a sunny but blustery weekend at the end of March 2012 for two days of performances, concluding in a meeting with the local bands at the stunning location of Macleod's Stone in South Harris. This historic location, the site of the megalithic standing stone is high above the white sands of
Horgabost beach.

1 hour

Last on

Fri 25 Jan 2013 22:30
