Generation E Episodes Available now
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Poland's Underground Economy—Series 2
5/5 Lucy Ash is in Poland with the young people going underground - in mines and in business.

Hungary's Graduates - Trapped by the State—Series 2
4/5 Lucy Ash is in Hungary, where students were suddenly told they faced university tuition.

Italy's Five Star Idealist—Series 2
3/5 Lucy Ash is in Italy with Milan's youngest city councillor who wants to clean up politics.

Loans for Life in Latvia—Series 2
2/5 Lucy visits Latvia, where she finds that life for young people is particularly tough.

Germany's Eldorado—Series 2
1/5 Lucy visits Schwabisch Hall which has been swamped with young job applicants.

Poland's Catholic "Beggars"—Series 1
5/5 Lucy Ash meets young Polish Catholics who have turned their backs on the material world.

Greece's Far-right Extremists—Series 1
4/5 Lucy Ash meets Europe's disaffected youth.

The Picnic Protesters of Paris—Series 1
3/5 Lucy meets French group L'Appel et la Pioche which campaigns against global capitalism.

Life in a Spanish Ghost Town—Series 1
2/5 Spain's economic crisis has pushed record numbers to default on their mortgages.

Portugal's Reverse Migration—Series 1
1/5 How Portuguese graduates are forced to leave their country to find work.