Pupadaidh as t-Fhoghar/Poopety in the Fall
Leanaibh a' ghraineag chrosda, Pupadaidh, 's e fh猫in s a caraidean a' lorg sgeul an fhoghair. Pupadaidh the grumpy hedgehog is on a quest to uncover an Autumn tale for his friends.
Tha am Foghar air tighinn 's tha muinntir a' bhaile fo ghruam 's gun sgeulachd ri innse neo ri chluinntinn on a theich am meirleach mi-mhodhail, Bonifacio. Tha Pupadaidh 's chuid charaidean a' dol air t貌ir an sgeulaiche, turas a tha gan toirt gu deis meadhan an t-saoghal, far a bheil muc-mhara le fiosrachadh sonraichte a feitheamh orra.
When Autumn arrives, the town of Balthazarville falls silent as Bonifacio the mischievous storyteller disappears. Pupadaidh and his friends go on a quest to find the rouge, a journey that takes them to the belly of the earth where the meet a whale who has very special stories of her own to tell.
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