Relive some of the stories hitting the headlines in 1994 through archive footage and chart hits. Islanders on Barra are unhappy with the introduction of the Shorts 360 plane.
Sealladh air na sgeulachdan a bh' anns na naidheachdan ann an 1994 cuide ri taghadh de che貌l na bliadhna. Am measg na thachair: m矛-thoileachas ann am Barraigh nuair a thug Loganair pl猫ana 霉r a steach, a' Shorts 360; d脿 fhilm m貌r air an cl脿radh aig tuath, Rob Roy agus Braveheart; agus leis a' Chrannchur N脿iseanta air a chur air bhog, bha Albannaich air bhioran tigeardan a cheannach gus cothrom fhaighinn air na muilleanan!
Am measg nan taghaidhean ci霉il, Aswad le Shine, Wet Wet Wet le Love is All Around agus Reel 2 Reel le I Like to Move It.
Experience some of the stories hitting the headlines in 1994 through archive footage and the year's chart hits: islanders on Barra were unhappy with the introduction of the Shorts 360 plane; Rob Roy and Braveheart were filmed in Scotland; and with the launch of the National Lottery, Scots were queueing at the tills for the chance of a big win.
The year's chart hits include Aswad with Shine, Wet Wet Wet with Love is All Around and Reel 2 Reel with I Like to Move It.
Last on
Cha robh na Barraich toilichte leis a鈥 phl猫ana 霉r, an Shorts 360
Duration: 01:16
Raon-theanais iongantach anns Na Hearadh
Duration: 01:50
Music Played
Return To Innocence
Baby Come Back (feat. Pato Banton)
Whatta Man (feat. En Vogue)
Saturday Night
The Grid
Swamp Thing
Reel 2 Real
I Like To Move It (feat. The Mad Stuntman)
Wet Wet Wet
Love Is All Around
I Swear
Youssou Ndour & Neneh Cherry
7 Seconds
Ace of Base
The Sign
Things Can Only Get Better
Mariah Carey
Without You
The Cranberries
Big Mountain
Baby, I Love Your Way