Relive some of the stories hitting the headlines in 1995 through archive footage and chart hits. The Skye Bridge is officially opened.
Sealladh air na sgeulachdan a bh' anns na naidheachdan ann an 1995 cuide ri taghadh de cheòl na bliadhna.
Am measg na thachair: dh'fhosgail Drochaid an Eilean Sgitheanaich agus cha b' fhada gus an robh eileanaich air an casan mu na faraidhean; thill Fìr-tà ileisg Leòdhais à Lunnainn agus à Dùn Èideann airson greis air an eilean; agus bha dòchas ann gum biodh oilthigh ùr air a stèidheachadh air a' Ghà idhealtachd. Am measg nan taghaidhean ciùil tha Pulp le Common People, Everything But The Girl le Missing agus Take That le Back for Good.
Experience some of the stories hitting the headlines in 1995 through archive footage and the year's chart hits: the Skye Bridge was officially opened and protests began at the level of tolls imposed on travellers; the Lewis Chessmen returned to the island for the first time in years; and there was optimism that a university would be established in the Highlands.
The year's chart hits include Pulp with Common People, Everything But The Girl with Missing and Take That with Back for Good.
Last on
Thà inig Fir-thà ilieisg Leòdhas dhachaigh
Duration: 02:05
Bha ùpraid ann mu bhogsaichean-fòn ann an Leòdhas
Duration: 01:08
Music Played
Gangsta's Paradise
Simply Red
Fairground (Single Edit)
Scatman John
Scatman (Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop)
Roll With It
The Outhere Brothers
Boom Boom Boom
Annie Lennox
No More I Love You's
Edwyn Collins
A Girl Like You
Common People
Take That
Back For Good
Kiss From A Rose
Bobby Brown
Two Can Play That Game
Everything but the Girl
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