A-nis: The Who
Documentary. The story of The Who, who emerged from London in the sixties to become one of the biggest bands in the world, selling more than 100 million records along the way.
Tha A-NIS: THE WHO ag inns'st貌raidh c貌mhlan a tha fhathast a dol, a dh'aidhneoin b脿s agus comhstr矛.Tha The Who air aithnneachadh mar c貌mhlan rock cho cli霉teach agus cho soirbheachail's a th脿naig a Lunnain. B'iadsan, an cois c貌mhlan eile, leithid na Beatles, na Rolling Stones agus na Kinks, a thug ce貌l pop agus R'n'B gu aire a mh貌r shluagh ann an Ameirigeidh.
Ainmeil airson 貌rain mar 'I Can't Explain', 'My Generation,' 'Substitute' agus 'Happy Jack', a bha soirbheachail anns na 60an, chluich iad aig Monterey, Woodstock agus Live Aid. Air an 30mh dhen D脿mhair 2006, thug The Who a-mach a' chiad chl脿r stiuidio aca ann an 24 bliadhna, Endless Wire.
Bha na leirmheasan a fhuair e air leth math agus b' ann a dhearbh Pete Townshend agus Roger Daltrey, gun robh d貌chas ann fhathast dhan ch貌mhlan. 脌s d猫idh d脿 fhichead bliadhna c貌mhla, bha Pete agus Roger air urram 霉r a chosnadh dha ch猫ile.
A-NIS: THE WHO tells the story of a band who are still going strong, despite hard knocks and strife. One of the most famous and successful rock bands ever to have emerged from London. In the 60s, The Who, along with The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and The Kinks took pop and R'n'B to eager audiences in America.
Famous for classics like 'I Can't Explain,' 'My Generation,' 'Substitute' and 'Happy Jack', they also played Monterey, Woodstock and Live Aid. On 30th October 2006, the Who released their first studio album for 24 years, 'Endless Wire,' to critical acclaim. Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey realised that the band still had a future. After forty years together, Pete and Roger had a newfound repect for one another.
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Tha a' chl脿r "Quadrophenia" a' leantainn sgeulachd Jimmy
Duration: 01:49