A-nis: Pink Floyd
Documentary telling the story of Pink Floyd, who since forming in 1965, have sold 250 million records and become one of the most successful bands in the world.
Tha A-Nis: Pink Floyd a toirt s霉il air beatha c貌mhlan a tha air 250 millean cl脿r a'reic agus a tha air tallaichean m貌ra a'lionadh air feadh an t-saoghail. Chaidh Pink Floyd a chuir air bhonn ann a 1965 le Syd Barrett, Nick Mason, Roger Waters agus Rick Wright.
Aig cridhe an c貌mhlan soirbheachail bha am pr矛omh sheinneadair aca, Syd Barrett. Th脿naig David Gilmour air b貌rd anns an D霉bhlachd 1967, ach dh'fh脿g Barrett a ch貌mhlan an ath bhliadhna air sg脿th a shl脿inte inntinneil. As deidh dha Barrett fh脿gail, b'e Waters a bha a sgr矛obhagh na h-貌rain agus se esan a bh'air c霉l cl脿ran air leth soirbheachail mar 'Dark Side of The Moon' agus 'The Wall.'
Bho deireadh na 60an, cha robh c霉isean r猫ithe eadar buill Pink Floyd agus b'e eas-aonta a thug air Wright agus Waters a'ch貌mhlan fh脿gail. A dh'aindheoin c貌mhstri, tha f猫ill mh貌r air Pink Floyd agus th'ad a-measg na c貌mhlain rock as motha air an t-saoghal.
A-Nis: Pink Floyd is the biography of the band that have sold 250 million records and have played to packed houses all over the world. Pink Floyd were started in 1965 by Syd Barrett, Nick Mason, Roger Waters and Rick Wright.
The heart of this successful band was lead singer Syd Barrett. In December 1967, David Gilmour came on board, but Barrett left the band in the following year, as a result of his failing mental health. Following Barrett's departure, Waters took over songwriting and he was the driving force behind successful records such as 'Dark Side of The Moon,' and 'The Wall.'
From the band's beginnings in the sixties, relationships between band members were frequently strained and discord ultimately led to, first, Wright and then Waters to leave the band. Despite conflict, Pink Floyd are hugely popular and they rank amongst the biggest bands in the world.
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Cl脿r a thug aithne do th脿lantan Syd
Duration: 01:48