Documentary telling the story of the village of Hathine in Northern Laos, which stands on the brink of having access to electricity for the very first time.
An-diugh, tha 1,600,000 neach fhathast a' dol a-r猫ir na gr猫ine nam beatha, oir chan eil dealan aca. Ann am baile Hathine ann ann ceann a tuath Laos, tha ceannard aon bhaile ag innse dhaibh gu bheil dealan a' tighinn thuca a dh'aithghearr. C貌mhla ris, thig cofhurtachd. Leasachadh. 脵rachd. Beartas. Ach tha am baile air a dhol troimhe-ch猫ile.
Today 1,600,000 people still live according to the rhythm of the sun, for they have no access to electricity. In the villge of Hathine in Northern Laos, one day the village headman announces that electricity will soon arrive. With it will come comfort. Development. Modernity. Wealth but the village is in turmoil.