Documentary exploring the history of Castells, human towers that have been a unique part of Catalan culture for over 200 years.
Tha an togail de 'chasteilean', no t霉raichean de dhaoine, air a bhith na thraidisean ann an Catalan airson c貌rr is d脿 cheud bliadhna. Faodaidh suas ri deich sreathan a bhith sna t霉raichean. Aig a' bhonn tha inbhich l脿idir, agus aig an fh矛or mhullach, tha an 'Enxaneta' - leanabh beag a tha a' d矛readh chun a' mhullaich gus an Casteil a chr霉nadh.
Tha an sealladh st猫idhichte air feartan a tha cudromach de mhuinntir Chatalan - muinntir an 脿ite, agus na diofar ghinealaichean a bhith ag obair c貌mhla.
The building of 'Castells', or human towers have been a unique part of Catalan culture for over 200 years. The towers can have up to ten tiers, starting with the base tier of strong adults and being topped by the 'Enxaneta' the small child who clambers to the top to crown the Castell.
The spectacle is based on underlying Catalan values of team work and is a symbol of social cohesion.
Last on
T霉raichean de dhaoine: traidisean Catalan
Duration: 02:47