Documentary telling the story of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, which in April 2010 caught fire and exploded, causing the biggest offshore oil spill in American history.
Bha aire an t-saoghail air a tharraing gu na cunnartan a tha co-cheangailte ri a bhith a' drioladh domhainn sa chuan, nuair a bha an spreadhadh air crann-ola Deepwater Horizon sa Ghiblean 2010. Am measg nan daoine a tha gan cur fh猫in ann an cunnart a h-uile latha, tha Daibhearan an Delta' - sgioba sgileil is f矛or-e貌lach de dh脿n-dhaibhearan a bhios a' toirt seann chrann-ola 脿s a ch猫ile.
'S e daibhearan coimeirsealta a th' annta, agus bidh iad a' gabhail os l脿imh obraichean a tha an 矛re mhath eu-comasach, agus gu tric le uidheamachd sh矛mplidh. San obair seo, dh'fhaodadh aon mhearachd bheag m貌r-thubaist air leth adhbhrachadh.
The explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in April 2010 focused the world's attention on the dangers looming in deep sea oil drilling. Among the men exposed to these dangers every day are the "Delta Divers," a team of highly skilled underwater adventurers whose job is to dismantle unused or decrepit rigs.
They're commercial divers who take on seemingly impossible challenges, often with low-tech equipment. It's a job where the slightest mistake could trigger a mega-catastrophe.
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Tha na cunnartan m貌r ach tha na duaisean m貌r cuideachd
Duration: 00:50