Documentary focusing on the discovery of the Cross River Gorilla, a subspecies that until recently, was believed to be extinct.
Tha ceangal s貌nraichte aig Alfred Bana, neach-gl猫idhidh bheathaichean 脿 Cameroon, le goiriolaidhean. O chionn ghoirid, fhuair e rud iongantach a-mach - gur e Goiriola Abhainn Chrois a th' ann an "Nyango", fear dhe na goiriolaidhean a th' aige fo a ch霉ram.
Tha sin a' ciallachadh gur e an t-aon fhear dhen gn猫th seo a tha ann am braighdeanas. Bha d霉il aca, gu o chionn bliadhna no dh脿, gun robh am fo-ghn猫 seo air a dhol 脿 bith. A-nise, tha Bama a' t貌iseachadh air an d霉bhlan as motha na a bheatha - gus teaghlach Nyango a lorg agus an d矛on mus bi e ro anmoch an s脿bhaladh.
Alfred Bama, an animal keeper from Cameroon, has an extraordinary connection with gorillas. Recently, he made a remarkable discovery: Nyango, one of the gorillas he looks after, is a Cross River Gorilla, and thus the world's only captive exemplar of this endangered species.
Until just a few years ago, this subspecies was thought to be extinct. Now, Bama embarks on the greatest challenge of his life: to locate Nyango's family in the wild and to protect them before it's too late.
Last on
Bama is an d霉bhlan as motha na bheatha
Duration: 00:59