A' Bhliadhna/News Review 2014
A look back at some of the most interesting local, national and international news stories across the year.
Tha 2014 air a bhi air leth trang dha sgioba-naidheachd 大象传媒 ALBA. A' Stamhradh th脿inig Geamaichean a' Cho Fhlatheis a Ghlaschu agus san t-Sultain, bh貌t muinntir na h-Alba san referendum air neo-eiseamalachd. Tha A' Bhliadhna a' coimhead air ais air cuid de na sgeulachdan ionadail, n脿iseanta agus eadar-n脿iseanta as inntiniche tro'n bhliadhna.
2014 has been an exceptionally busy year 大象传媒 ALBA'S news team. The summer brought the Commonwealth Games to Glasgow and Scots went to the vote in September with the referendum on Scottish independence. A' Bhliadhna looks back at some of the most interesting local, national and international news stories across the year.