Documentary investigating the mystery Amazon tribe photographed firing arrows at a passing plane in a series of photos that appeared in 2008.
Sa Ch猫itean 2008, chaidh dealbhan s貌nraichte air feadh meadhanan an t-saoghail. Daoine liormachd air am peantadh 's iad a' tilgeil shaigheadan air pl猫ana a bha a' sg猫ith seachad air aon dhe na sg矛rean coillteach as iomallaich san t-saoghal - an Amason. Ghluais na dealbhan mac-meanmna an t-saoghail - an iad seo a' chiad dealbhan de threubh nach deach a-riamh roimhe seo a lorg? C貌 a th' annta agus carson a tha iad ann?
Am b' e seo a' chiad coinneachadh eadar an treubh seo agus an saoghal air an taobh a-muigh? Agus c貌 a thog na dealbhan? Tha am film seo a' rannsachadh nan ceistean sin le a bhith a' gabhail turas suas Abhainn Envira a-steach a chridhe an sg矛re dh矛omhair seo, gu d脿 bhun-champa agus gu cr矛ochan Pheru. Turas gus freagairt a lorg dhan cheist dh矛omhair: c貌 da-r矛ribh a th' anns an Treubh san Dealbh?
In May 2008 a series of photographs flashed around the global media. Naked painted figures firing arrows at a passing plane in one of the most remote forest regions of the world - The Amazon.
The pictures caught the world's imagination - are they the first ever pictures of an isolated tribe never before contacted? Who are they and why are they there? Was this the first contact these people have had with the modern world? And who took the pictures and has this happened before?
This film is an investigative adventure up the Envira River into the heart of this mysterious region, to two base camps and the Peruvian border. A journey to find the true answers to a huge mystery - just who is the Tribe in the Picture?
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- Thu 19 Feb 2015 22:30