Documentary examining sport and the many different reasons why so many people across the world take part.
Tha cluich tro spòrs a' foillseachadh spiorad mhic an duine. Tha daoine sa h-uile à ite a' cluich spòrs. Tha iad a' cluich còmhla gus iad fhèin a theastadh, gus buannachadh, agus airson fealla-dhà . Tha iad a' cluich gus ruighinn air targaidean. Ach 's e aon dhe na rudan a tha a' ceangal a h-uile duine air a' phlanaid.
Tha e a' toirt ionannachd dhan h-uile duine, 's aig an aon à m, gan dealachadh o chèile. Bhon chluich as sìmplidh agus as sine chun nan seallaidhean as motha san t-saoghal; bho spòrs mu nach cuala mòran a-riamh gu spòrs a tha air feadh mheadhanan an t-saoghail; bho sgìrean tioram Ethiopia gu lannan-cluiche le mìltean de dhaoine ag èigheachd airson na sgioba aca ... tha SPÒRS a' siubhal gu cridhe an rud a th'ann a tha a' dol thairis air bacaidhean mar chultairean, linntean agus beartas. Sgeulachd sgoinneil mu ar farsaingeachd, agus mar a tha spòrs gar toirt ri chèile.
Everywhere, people play sports. They play to get together, to entertain, to test their limits and go beyond them. They play to achieve excellence. It is one of the few things that connects every person on the planet. It levels the playing field while raising the bar.
From the first primitive impulse to the greatest show on earth, from the most obscure, unheard of sport to the most broadcast, from the dry plateaus of Ethiopia to stadiums pulsing with cheering fans, PLAY travels to the heart of this universal activity that transcends barriers of class, cultures, and even time.
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- Wed 16 Jul 2014 21:00
- Thu 17 Jul 2014 22:30