Tales from around the World
A series of six animated short films based on unusual tales from around the world. Narrated by Maureen Lipman, Meera Syal, Stephen Mangan and others.
A series of six animated short films based on folktales from around the world - from a Brazilian story about where the night comes from, to a Punjabi king who allows himself to be eaten for breakfast each day and a Caliph who is turned into a stork by his greedy brother. The series includes stories from Brazil, India, Israel, Iraq, Pakistan and Nigeria. Narrated by Maureen Lipman, Meera Syal and others.
Aimed at literacy students at Key Stage 1, the films provide an engaging way to inform children about different countries, cultures and storytelling traditions. They constitute an invaluable and versatile resource for further learning across the curriculum and provide a great starting point for discussions in the classroom.
Last on
The Story of Wali Dad
Duration: 05:21
The King Who Was Eaten For Breakfast
Duration: 06:11
The Strongest Man In The World
Duration: 03:08
The Tale of How The Caliph became a Stork
Duration: 05:33
Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Stephen Mangan |
Narrator | Meera Syal |
Narrator | Maureen Lipman |
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Learning Zone: Ages 4-6—Learning Zone
Entertaining and inspiring short films for Early Years and Key Stage 1 children.