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Am Pong De脿lrach
Children's animated series. There is a singing contest in the wood and the friends are going to enter. Peanaidh wants to win, but she turns out to be tone-deaf.
Tha co-fharpais chudromach gus gabhail 脿ite sa choille 's tha cuid dha na caraidean gus seinn an aghaidh a cheile son an duais dhealrach. Tha Peanaidh deimhinnte 脿s gur a h-i a ghleidheas ach, gu mi-fhortanach, chan eil comas seinn aice.
There is going to be an important contest in the wood, and some of the friends are preparing to sing against one another to win the coveted prize. Peanaidh is determined that she will be the one to win, but unfortunately it transpires that she is tone-deaf.
Last on
Sun 19 Jun 2016