A' teicheadh a Alcatraz/Vanished from Alcatraz
Documentary on one of the most intricate prison escapes in history, revealing the story of three inmates who broke from the fortress-like Alcatraz Island Federal Penitentiary.
Fear dhe na teichidhean as iongantaiche ann an eachdraidh. Bhris trì prìosanaich a-mach à daingneach, leithid Prìosan Eilean Alcatraz, agus chuir iad iad fhèin tro na uisgeachan reòithte ann an rà th a rinn iad fhèin. Airson faisg air leth-cheud bliadhna, ghabh a h-uile duine ris gun robh na prìosanaich air bà thadh, ach dè mura deach am bà thadh?
Tha Mairsealan a tha nise air leigeil seachad an dreuchd a' bruidhinn air na fèin-fhiosrachaidhean a bh' acasan, agus ag innse mu feadhainn dhe na pìosan fiosrachaidh a lean iad thar nam bliadhnachan. Cluinn mu bhoireannaich aig tiodhlacadh agus air an sgeadachadh nam fireannaich; mu neach a bhathas ag rà dh gum b' ann le fear dhe na fògarraich a bha e agus a dh'fheuch clà radh airson colaiste; agus mu chorp a bh' air adhlacadh ann an coilltean Seattle. Am biodh am muir da-rìribh air na prìosanaich a sguabadh a-mach dhan mhuir fhosgailte?
Tha am program seo a' dol am broinn rannsachadh mhairsealan nan Stà itean Aonaichte; rannsachadh a tha a' leantainn thracaichean inntinneach is iongantach, agus tha a' dol a thoirt na ceist gu crìoch.
One of the most intricate prison escapes in history, three tireless inmates break from the fortress like Alcatraz Island Federal Penitentiary and brave the freezing waters in a handmade raft. For nearly 50 years, it was assumed that these men drowned, but what if they didn't?
Retired marshals share their war stories, revealing for the first time the most incredible, tantalising and strangest leads they've chased down over the years. Hear about women attending a funeral dressed as men, an alleged child of an escapee who tried to register for college and a body buried deep in the Seattle woods.
Would the Bay's strong tides really have swept the prisoners out to sea? This documentary goes inside the US marshals' investigation, following the complex and tantalising leads they've tracked to close this case.
Last on
- Fri 15 May 2015 22:00