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Geamannan nan Eilean 2015/Island Games 2015
Allan Macleod reflects on a special week for the athletes of the Western Isles at the 2015 Island Games in Jersey - the most successful Island Games to date for the Western Isles.
7 Buinn Òir, 6 Buinn Airgid, 6 Buinn Umha; Na farpaisean as soirbheachaile riamh aig Sgioba nan Eilean Siar aig Geamannan nan Eilean ann an Jersey. Ailean MacLeòid a'toirt sùil air ais air tachartas sònraichte do lùth-chleasachd 's na h-Eileanan
Seven gold medals, six silver medals and six bronze medals - the most successful Island Games to date for the Western Isles in Jersey. Allan Macleod reflects on a special week for the athletes of the Western Isles.
Last on
Thu 31 Dec 2015
Soirbheachas peathraichean Nic a’ Phì
Duration: 01:22
- Sun 2 Aug 2015 19:15
- Thu 31 Dec 2015 20:00
Geamannan nan Eilean: Jersey 2015
Na criomagan gu lèir bho Jersey 2015.