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C脿irdeas annasach
Children's series. Greg hears that his friend Dimi is being bullied and wants to help. The team don't understand why, because Dimi plays for another team.
Tha Greg air cluinntinn gu bheil burraidhean ag obair air Dimi 's tha e 'son taic a thoirt dha sheann charaid. Ach, chan eil an sgioba a' tuigsinn ciamar is urrainn dha bhith taiceil do chuideigin a tha a cluich nan aghaidh.
Gregs hears that his old friend Dimi is being bullied, and he wants to offer support. However, the team don't understand how he can offer help to someone who plays for the opposing team.
Last on
Mon 30 Apr 2018