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Gun Chomhairle
Children's series. Without their coach, Joey decides to take on the role. He tries to be like Tag, but he's very irritating and has a detrimental effect on the team.
As aonais taic a' choidse, tha Joey os cionn ch霉isean 's chan eil seo ag obair idir! Tha e den bheachd gum bu ch貌ir e bhith coltach ri Tag agus chan eil seo a' c貌rdadh ris an sgioba idir. Tha seo a' toirt f矛or dhroch bhuaidh air an sgioba.
Without their coach, Joey decides to take on the role, but this doesn't work out! He is constantly trying to be like Tag, and this is highly irritating. It has a detrimental effect on the team.
Last on
Mon 7 May 2018