D霉bhlain nam Milleanan/Instant Millionaires
Documentary looking at big-money wins, covering the spread of game show fever all around the world. The programme also meets Ian Woodley, the UK's first TV game show millionaire.
Taobh a-staigh beagan dhiogan, dh'fhaodadh fear no t猫 a dhol bho bhochdainn gu beartas. Tha na h-uallaich air falbh. Ach gu d猫 a bhios a' tachairt, an tig bruadair gu bith?
Ann an "D霉bhlain nam Milleanan" ch矛 sinn mar a tha am meas a th' aig an t-sluagh air pr貌graman leithid "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire," agus an toileachas a thig an cois a bhith a' buannachadh a' sgaoileadh an t-iarratas airson pr貌graman farpais air feadh an t-saoghail. Tha Big Brother agus the National Lottery ann agus bha earrann ann an TGI Friday far am faodadh farpaisich millean not a bhuannachadh tro bhith a' freagart tr矛 ceistean.
B' e Ian Woodley, athair gun obair, a' chiad fhear a bhuannaich millean not air pr貌gram farpais ann am Breatainn. Ch矛 sinn e 's e ga bhuannachadh. Coinnichidh sinn ris san latha an-diugh agus ch矛 sinn an caitheamh-beatha aige. Coinnichidh sinn ri feadhainn eile a bhuannaich na milleanan agus ch矛 sinn ciamar a tha a' dol dhaibh nam beatha 霉r agus mar a bhios iad a' cosg an cuid saibhreas.
In a few seconds you could become a millionaire. It's a dream come true. Your troubles are over. But what really happens? Do dreams really come true? In Instant Millionaires we'll see how the popularity of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and the thrill of winning is spreading game show fever all around the world.
There's Big Brother, the National Lottery, even TGI Friday introduced a segment where random contestants were only three questions away from a million pounds.
Ian Woodley, an unemployed father, was the lucky winner who became the UK's first TV game show millionaire. We'll watch the big winning moment. We'll meet Ian today and see his new lifestyle of leisure. We'll see other millionaires and see how they deal with their new lives and spend their winnings.
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Atharrachaidh e do bheatha ann an diog
Duration: 01:02